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Champix generic reviews and testimonials

  • DB
    Denzil Bryan
    Verified review

    My third week and I feel good and there are very few situations where I feel like smoking a cigarette. It has never happened that I did not smoke for 21 days in a row, I hope with Champix I will succeed. Unpleasant side: in the first 5 days of taking a 1 mg dose, I had a severe nausea (lasted about 30 minutes).

  • JT
    Jackson Thorburn
    Verified review

    Hello! Champix helped break a bad habit. I decided to stop smoking in November when my son was born. By the set date of stopping smoking, I reduced the number of cigarettes smoked from 15–20 to 4.

  • AD
    Alvena Deadman
    Verified review

    I'm also going to stop smoking and your comments are encouraging me. I've bought a month supply of Champix, use it for 14 days. I began to smoke no more than 5 cigarettes a day, I thought that it would be more difficult for me. If I can stop smoking, I will remember this date for the rest of my life.

  • VB
    Verna Barclay
    Verified review

    I stopped smoking in January 2022 after 17 years of cigarette smoking and 2 years of active vaping.

  • HH
    Hamid Hampton
    Verified review

    Champix is the coolest drug. Good luck on your path!

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